We went to Kansas for Christmas this year, it was way fun. I think there was like 15 people there all in the same house! So a little crazy but so much fun! On Christmas Eve we had a gingerbread house building contest, we bought kits or you could make something original, each family had there own, so left to right, Balsmeier Family- Mom and Dad so the Love Family - Jasper Family - Attkisson Family (the best one!). Can you guess what temple we made... the Rexburg Temple, Grandma Lavon chose the winners... and we were it! It was a little cheap cause how could you not choose the Temple but hey you do what it takes to win! I have to say I got the best present ever this year! We drew names and Terron my wonderful brother in law drew my name and he went all out! It was awesome! He made a "Where's Jessie" book, so it's a Where's Waldo book but with me instead of him! So there's a little Jessie hiding on each page with a little story about what I'm doing there! That alone is an amazing gift but in between each page were even more gifts, like gift cards and tickets to cirque du sole ( I think that's how its spelt!) and a hotel stay for while we were in Kansas and tickets to Spamalot in Medford, OR in February, I mean I can't even tell you how amazing this gift was and still is! Thank you so much Terron!
I forgot
8 years ago
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